Emerald Show Society

Each year, people across the Central Highlands and even further turn out to participate in the Emerald Show. With competitions such as wood chopping, baking, photography, handicrafts, flowers, home produce and livestock judging.
All this combined with a jam packed entertainment schedule it ensures that every Queenslander has a new experience at every show.
Emerald Show is steeped in over 90 years of tradition that welcomes people from every walk of life, from babies receiving their first show bag to the older generations continuing to make our mouths water with their latest baking masterpieces.
The Emerald Show has continually evolved over the years to encompass education, entertainment and competitions that inspire and delight families. There's never been a better time to be involved with an entirely volunteer-run organization that communicates with families across Central Highlands.
Agricultural shows have played a leading role in the development of agriculture and communities since the first show was conducted in 1822 in Hobart. They are one of the oldest continuous events in post-colonial Australian society and are still popular in every state and territory with around 587 shows run annually in Australia.
In Queensland there are 129 Agricultural Show Societies run by more than 13,500 volunteers. They provide small local events with community populations of 300 or less, to large multi-day events such as the Ekka which attracts over 400,000 visitors every year. On average though, the shows are small to medium sized which are run by volunteers who govern their independent associations known as Show Societies.
Across Queensland the popularity of shows remains high as they continue to record 1.3 million visitors every year.